With over sixty acting credits on IMDB, Scott Adkins has been in everything from Doctors to Doctor Strange. But how many people know who he is? Hopefully I can help more people discover him.
This all started with me ‘riding a wave‘. The original Adkins wave lasted several weeks, with ten films watched in quick succession. A few years later and I’m at twenty-seven! I’ve checked his filmography on Letterboxd and it tells me I’ve watched 36 films containing him in some form. But here we’ll concentrate on more starring roles.
The high point of this is a couple of interactions on Twitter being me and the main man himself. I have two main takeaways from these. One, we’re buddies. Two, Scott has clearly read the entire list, which is massively exciting and nerve-wracking. You’ll see the second Tweet, containing Scott’s thoughts on the list, at the bottom.
Scott might be known for his martial arts roles, but there’s more. Check out his Art of Action series, which gives great insight into film action through actors, stuntmen, directors, and choreographers. It’s taught me a lot and given me a new level of appreciation for what these people put themselves through.
You’re of course welcome to disagree. It’s the nature of lists. In fact, I’m banking on the fact that Scott and I are now buddies to get away with some of my thoughts. As we all understand it’s all said with love and appreciation, we’re good. Let’s go!
27 – Incoming
We have to start with the worst and Incoming is it, mainly because it makes absolutely no use of Scott. Acting wise it gives him little to do bar snarl, and I don’t think he even throws a kick!
Most of Scott’s films don’t have big budgets, but this one in particular looks like the budget was about £2.50. Incoming tries to be serious, but can’t pull it off. Hopefully Scott paid some bills at least. And if you’re reading this Scott, I’d love to talk to you about it.
26 – Close Range
Another of the lower budget entries in his filmography, Close Range does manage to get a decent ‘oner’ in at the start, before settling into one location for the rest of the story. To be fair Close Range does have a couple of decent fights, and that’s likely enough for a lot of people. But when compared against the other films here it doesn’t hold up so well.
25 – Legendary
I was excited to Adkins and Lundgren together, making the assumption that they’d have a big fight at some point.
That doesn’t come to pass, as Legendary is actually a monster movie!
Scott isn’t a fighter here, but he’s brave and believes in what he’s doing. The cast is willing if a bit stilted, but Lundgren does makes for a decent antagonist.
24 – El Gringo
Very much a case of style over substance, El Gringo does get in a decent firefight and a couple of alright fights. It does a good job of looking like it was actually filmed in Mexico too (it wasn’t). Christian Slater pops up, and it passes along decently enough. Will somebody just give the guy some water already! Could have saved a lot of trouble.
23 – Eliminators
A WWE film! Now I don’t know recent wrestlers, but Wade Barrett turns out to be a reasonable adversary for Scott’s former U.S Federal Agent. They have two big fights, and though my Art of Action watching has made me very aware of the use of jackets and crash mats, I enjoyed them. Eliminators doesn’t make a whole lot of sense as a title, but the film moves along briskly and looks decent.
22 – The Intergalactic Adventures of Max Cloud
Everyone is having fun, which makes up for some of their shortfalls. Scott is loving it, which is infectious. I wish they’d binned off the whole Jumanji aspect and just stuck with Max Cloud being a complete ass; it’s much better when it’s letting him get on with things. Some big names in this one too.
There’s a lot to like, but if you think too hard it falls apart. So the plan is…don’t think! Just enjoy!
21 – Ninja
Ninja contains a younger, fresh-faced Atkins. He’s sterner, and whilst he is ‘the good guy’, he isn’t mucking about.
Some decent fights, but I don’t think there was enough agility or stealth for my liking. All four Ninja Turtles weapons get used though which is big bonus points.
It’s a decent excuse to get Scott into a cool Ninja outfit. Not sure why they bothered inserting an evil organisation into the story though.
20 – Seized
The Adkins/Florentine adds another entry to it’s already sizeable list, and it’s a decent one.
A particularly notable fight has Scott kicking away with his hands tied behind his back!
You can’t have an SA film without kicks, and there are some tasty ones here, including a particularly nasty one to a neck.
Mario Van Peebles adds some spice to proceedings, bringing a nice level of charisma to his not entirely evil antagonist. A brisk but solid entry.
19 – Legacy of Lies
Awful poster aside, Legacy looks like a pretty typical Euro-Thriller from the trailer. Annndd you’d be right. There’s one pretty decent fist fight, and Adkins delivers with his usual gusto. Some layers are awkwardly added to the antagonist, but Honor Kneafsey steals the show here. The plot makes sense almost to the point of being dull, but I do enjoy a good McGuffin.
18 – Hard Target 2
An extremely belated sequel, Hard Target 2 carries on with the idea of people being hunted for sport. I loved seeing Scott share the screen with Temuera Morrison!
You can see it matching the original John Woo film in style; no bad thing.
The story and pacing is loose as hell, but there are some snappy lines, and some particularly tasty kicks.
17 – Assassination Games
One of SA’s earlier endeavours with his hero, JCVD. Story and character wise it definitely leans more towards the Belgian.
I enjoyed their interplay and trust issues. You can only slightly tell when it’s not Jean-Claude too! The fights are consistently solid, which describes the film overall really.
A bit more style than some of the lower entries.
Shame the filter makes it look like the film stock was soaked in piss. But I can forgive it.
16 – Accident Man
My first! Turns out it’s a special one for Scott too, as he produced and wrote it. I was slightly put off by how straight Scott’s character is but he’s balanced out by his bonkers former team.
Michael Jai White and Ray Park are good value.
Stevenson adds weight to proceedings, whilst I couldn’t help but shout “It’s fucking Nick Moran!” at the screen.
Lots of fighting, but I would have liked to see more accidents? Maybe a sequel could fix that. I’d watch it.
15 – One More Shot
In many ways this is a much more ambitious oner than One Shot. Working through an entire airport feels like a logistical nightmare! In the first film I got Solid Snake vibes from a particularly cool section. Here I get Arkham vibes, with Scott’s character pulling bad guys over railings for silent takedowns as panic rises in those who are left. Action wise I can’t really fault it. Moving onto a train that then moves and alights in one go is really cool. I just feels it slows down in-between the action more than the first one did. Felt like there was more to come at the end too. One Last Shot anyone?
14 – Abduction
Looking back on this one I like it more. SA goes outside of his usual range for a large part of the film. With a strong stammer, he’s thoroughly disorientated for a while, which tests him as an actor, but really works.
The story is shaky but I really liked what it was trying to do. The other films Scott released in 2019 were stronger, but I can appreciate this one.
13 – Castle Falls
Dolph Lundgren directs this well paced actioner as well as starring alongside Scott.
The first half is definitely steadier as things are put in place.
But when it goes it goes nicely, with some good fights that make good use of everyone involved.
The strongest part is the interplay between Adkins and Lundgren, who share a decent level of antagonistic banter. Likely one of Scott’s more rewatchable films.
12 – Accident Man 2
They heard me!
Plenty of accidents this time around, and more humour. Said humour is of a decidedly British nature; I chuckled away to copious cussing that felt very familiar.
Good fights, a fun set up, and it’s clear Scott is really into it.
Ray Stevenson once again brings some weight to proceedings, plus some great facial hair.
11 – Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning
OK. I messed up here. Having now watched all four ‘not for TV’ outings of the Universal Soldier, I was harsh on DoR. The story didn’t make a lot of sense to me, but it turns out none of the sequels are like the original. So with my expectations recalibrated DoR gets a decent bump.
The fights are savage, and SA gets to show off a bit. It’s bloody and messy and there’s a mixture of guns and kicking. Is it weird? Yes. Could it have been a standalone SA film? Yes. But the action is bloody good and that’s what we’re mainly here for.
10 – The Debt Collector
A bit awkward, but watching it I felt like this was the start of a beautiful relationship.
There are a good number of fights, a bit more brawly than a lot of Scott’s. But I like them. The whole ‘first day on the job’ story is a great way to introduce us to this world too.
Frenchie’s increasing credulity is rather amusing. But does Sue care? Maybe he does.
Adkins and Mandylor work really well together.
9 – Green Street 3
This one really surprised me. I didn’t think I’d be keen on the football hooliganism, and I wasn’t. But! It’s easily ignored to be honest. This is an odd mix of Rocky and Eastenders, but it works? The fights are dirtier and less about flashy kicks. But they escalate nicely.
Spencer Wilding is a standout – a huge guy who has no right to kick that high. He was also in Batman Begins!
Scott does well here, no doubt enjoying his time with Joey Ansah…and Kacey Clarke.
Amusing dropping of the C-Bomb too.
8 – Boyka: Undisputed
Boyka is nearing superhero status at this point. Now, his murky history means that it’s quite likely he has used guns and has seen his way through a fair few situations. But it possibly strains things a bit.
I don’t think 4 quite hits the heights of 3. Dolor was a very charismatic villain, and no one quite matches it here. Boyka’s growth is impressive, and Adkins continues to thrive in the role. Just be weary of softening Boyka too much.
7 – Triple Threat
What a cast. Tony, Tiger, Iko, White, and Adkins.
One of several films starring Adkins that is directed by Johnson, which really shows off different fighting styles.
They’re surrounded by quality, with seemingly a higher budget. I think they both step up.
This is a very solid film, with Adkins’ taking on the villain role for once. But unlike Boyka, this one has no redemption, and it feels like he enjoyed it.
6 – Ninja 2: Shadow of a Tear
Takes everything the first film did well and improves on it. Casey is far darker this time, no longer the goody two-shoes of the first film.
There’s a crazy level of bang for your buck here. Just when you think it’s finished, it goes and tops itself!
Kane Kosugi, who is also in SA’s Art of Action series (and a Sentai Ranger!) pairs nicely with Scott too.
5 – One Shot
There’s a clarity to One Shot’s approach that I really appreciate.
The story is solid and does the job of getting Scott Adkins into position for kicking ass, which he does with gusto.
One particular sequence had me shouting “YES” at the screen as Scott gave me a cracking version of Solid Snake. I LOVED the CQC and knife usage. I loved the urgency and movement.
Great fun and extremely well staged.
4 – Avengement
Based solely on his performance, this is probably Adkins’ best. He’s far less himself here, ugly and brutal. And it works!
A trip through the prison system and ‘rehabilitation’, with a healthy dose of ‘Avengement’!!!!!
We also have a another “Fuck me it’s Nick Moran!” moment.
Very gritty, very violent, and a top outing for Adkins.
3 – Undisputed 2: Last Man Standing
There was some debate as to whether this should go on the list, as Adkins isn’t in a lot of it.
But two things convinced me. Firstly, I wouldn’t have watched it were it not for Adkins.
Secondly, and most importantly, the film would not be what it is – a successful start of a franchise – without Boyka. This would be the start of something special. Great fights; Scott is crazy agile. It’s quite bonkers.
2 – Debt Collectors
One of the best thing this film does is completely acknowledge it’s setup, which is ridiculous. The Bromance between Adkins and Mandylor is given more time to grow, despite the drag out brawl they have. What a well staged fight too, reminiscent of Piper and David in They Live in the best way.
Builds on the first one in all the right ways, I’d watch more of these two for sure.
1 – Undisputed III: Redemption
Oh yes. This is the stuff! Great fights, some great banter, and proof that Boyka is indeed “the most complete fighter in the world”.
“If I’m champion of the toilets…what does it make you, when I kick the fucking shit out of you?”
This is what I’d call ‘Prime Boyka’. Having watched a huge amount of Adkins across films and YouTube, I’m aware that his ‘Boyka muscle’ isn’t natural for him, and puts a lot of strain on keeping the the speed and agility up. But you wouldn’t know watching this. You can tell he loves the character. Even if you don’t want to watch the film, you need to watch the fights. The choreography and camera work know how to show off Adkins and boy do they. Then there’s how well the acrobatics and flips merge with the strikes; beautiful physicality and a compelling character.
If you’re into action films and martial arts, you really should try out some of these films. And try to do it legally if you can. This industry needs support, and the people involved aren’t living Hollywood lives.
Finally, thank you Scott Adkins! Keep up the good work, and perhaps we’ll talk about them again someday. Oh, and thanks for for nudging me to check out Universal Soldier with a fresh set of eyes.
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