Scott Adkins Films Ranked

With over sixty acting credits on IMDB, Scott Adkins has been in everything from Doctors to Doctor Strange. But how many people know who he is? Hopefully I can help more people discover him. This […]


Star Wars Books Ranked

In the nineties I possessed an insatiable appetite for Star Wars books. The mere appearance of my face in the school library would be greeted with “no Chris there aren’t any new ones”. From Thrawn […]


Metal Gear Solid Games Ranked

They pushed the limits of what a game could be, with complicated themes and interesting characters. They also made cardboard boxes hilariously useful. The Metal Gear Solid games have always been a hybrid of video […]


Resident Evil Games Ranked

Despite being too young for it my brothers and I managed to convince our Mum to pick up a Platinum copy of Resident Evil. The staff of Portsmouth HMV really should have stopped it! Perched […]


Halloween Films Ranked

I’ve figured out what the Halloween franchise is. It’s a choose your own adventure! Thirteen films across arguably six different timelines. Add in both masks and films of hugely differing quality to a hefty dose […]